On our way home from Texarkana, we decided to stay a few days at the much heralded Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Tx.

And like crack for 13 year old boys. More on that later...
Every evening at 8 o'clock, all the young children gather at the Great Clock for storytime. It really is a cute sight to see 50 little toddlers and the like huddled round in their pajamas listening to the Clock Song.

We arrived late on Monday so we didn't really get to enjoy the waterpark the first day. We ate and then went down for the Clock Show and storytime.
Livi wasn't intimidated at all. She walked right up to the group and sat down to watch the show. You can see her at the bottom right of the above picture.
She loved it! She was entranced by the singing racoon and owl. And the trees sang too - that was kinda weird.
The next day we went to eat lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe.
Robbie entertained himself at the aquariums while Livi was busy making friends at the

Up next - swimming!

All went well until the Great Wolf Lodge mascot Wiley showed up. And we all know how large costumed characters go over in my family (the Blanco Panther, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny). As soon as Livi saw that wolf she jumped up and ran for my arms.
Too bad I was the one taking the pictures because it was a pretty funny sight.


Up next - swimming!