Well, I'm finally getting around to uploading our Christmas pics. Sorry for the delay.... but with no further ado - here is Christmas with the Akin/Arlitts.
Near the beginning of December every year we have a tradition of heading down to Riverwalk / Alamo area to look at the lights and eat at Casa Rio.
Here are Emma and Livi at Casa Rio, feeding the ducks and fish. We hate having to sit under the bridge, but with the crowds that time of year, we really didn't have much of a choice.

After our meal, we walked over to the Alamo to take a few pictures. Here is a cute one of Emma and Livi on the back grounds of the Alamo.

A rare and precious picture of our baby smiling! She really hasn't been in a 'smiling for the camera' mood lately.
She liked the koi pond/creek that runs behind the Alamo.

As you can see, smiling time is over.

Our traditional pic in front of the Alamo.

And one in front of the big HEB tree outside of the Alamo.