Monday, December 7, 2009

The Coach meets The Amish Lady Part 2

I made it! I'm in the room with Pioneer Woman! In just a few short minutes, I'll be getting to meet her and apologize for the Longhorn/Sooner debacle... and what does The Coach do? He goes and flirts with Pioneer Sister.

Not really. The Coach doesn't flirt. The first time he asked me out went something like this... "So, ummm, do you want to ummm, go out and do something sometimes?"
Very verbose my man is.

Ok, I'm getting near! Here are my Line-Mates, Lucy and Sarah meeting PW. I'm getting excited!

I made it!
Now I'm falling all over myself trying to apologize for the Longhorn/Sooner questions. Typical Texas coach's wife - I get to meet a celebrity and all I can think to ask is a football question...
She forgives me :)
She was also entertained by The Coach's comment on our drive to Austin. He asked me, "So, are there going to be any people at this book signing? Because I've never heard of this Amish Lady."
After my quiet giggle, I calmly answered, "Yes, honey. There will be lots of people there. She's actually kinda famous."
Lets just say he didn't believe me and was shocked when he had to hunt to find a parking space on the 4th level of parking garage.

See the small child on my hip trying to strangle me with my necklace. Yeah, the breathing treatment she was on at the time made her a hyper wild-child. It was late at night and she wasn't even close to slowing down.
All in all a very fun night!
Pioneer Woman was funny - She had to have been exhausted by the time she got to me (remember - 18th from the end) and yet she was gracious and smiling.
Marlboro Man was hot and Pioneer Sister and The Coach hit it off famously.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Coach meets The Amish Lady part 1

Ree Drummond (aka The Pioneer Woman) was at BookPeople in Austin to promote hew new cookbook "The Pioneer Woman Cooks." Of course, half of central Texas showed up - including me. Yes, I'm a devoted PW fan :)
She started off by taking questions from the crowd - including ME! Of course, I managed to screw it up... I asked a loaded question, given the enviornment, "So, are you a Longhorn or a Sooner?"
The crowd got a kick out of it, but I'm not sure she did. She bowed her head a bit but responded nicely with, "Well, actually I'm a Trojan." DUH - I knew that. She graduated from USC... I should have thought before asking.
Here she is recovering from my rudeness:

And here is Marlboro Man.

Let me tell you, I've always thought MM very nice looking, but he is very smooth too. I have to admit, there is this sexy aura that surrounds him. After I got my books signed, we were organizing Livi, the bags, the books, the coat, etc. he started to talk to me a bit. My toungue was tied - blah blah blah - I sounded like an idiot! He asked me what my blog was and was being nice in general and all I could do was gag on myself. I sounded like I had a mouthful of mashed potatoes. sigh.... I can be such a dork.
Plus, he took several pictures of Livi - I think he thought she was pretty cute. I hope she makes PW's blog!

But here is the sexiest man in the house - The Coach. He already managed to sew up the 'Father of the Year' award with his single-handed victory over the Swine Flu earlier this fall, but now he is vying for 'Husband of the Year' after his show of dedication and love last night.
Pioneer Sister was very impressed that Jeff drove me to Austin and watched Livi in the bookstore for 3+ hours so I could meet PW.
Apparently Jeff made friends with Pioneer Sister and Pioneer Mother in the kids' book section while I was standing in line. He had no clue who they were. Figures.

Here is Livi continuing her World Domination Tour of toy and book stores. I like that the Olivia book is right behind her. The BookPeople store is amazing - I fell in love. Too bad its all the way in downtown Austin or we'd be there every weekend.
The childrens' section employees deserve extra pay after last night - just sayin'.

It was a long wait. I was the 18th person in line from the end. Here is a pic of the end of the line to prove it. My feet hurt - of course I chose to wear my cute black heeled boots rather than comfortable shoes...

Here are my Line-Mates, Lucy and Sarah. They drove in from San Antonio. We had fun visiting whilst waiting our turn.
Up Next: Me and the Pioneer Woman!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Coach

Here is The Coach... doing what he does best :) He loves football and football loves him. Right now he is super busy with football playoffs + basketball season. And he doesn't complain one bit.

He wakes early to take Robbie to basketball practice, then has his own teaching duties, then does football practice, then basketball practice, then home for diaper duty to give me a break, and he is usually the one who stays up late (or gets up at night) with Livi.

Blanco will be playing in the 3rd Round Playoffs at Victoria Memorial Stadium Friday night at 7:30 vs. Refugio. Its a re-match of last year's Quarter Final playoff game. Should be a very good game - and a very cold one! Bundle up and come support the Blanco Panthers! If its a bit too cold, the game will be broadcast on KTKO 105.7 FM

Monday, November 30, 2009

Robbie's basketball

Believe it or not, basketball is harder to photograph than football or volleyball... Here is Robbie in his first game against Hunt. We won by quite a bit.

Here he is in his second game against Johnson City. We should have beat that team badly, but barely squeaked by with a 1-point victory.

Livi is not very interested in basketball. She just likes to run around the halls.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

23 week belly pic

Here I am at 23 weeks and 4 days... wearing jersey #4 for Baby4 :)

I tried to catch Livi smiling for the camera for a change... but no go. She isn't into smiling these days.

Livi wishes Robbie a 'Happy Birthday'

I'm going to try uploading a video of Livi wishing Robbie 'Happy Birthday!'

Happy 13th Robbie!

We celebrated Robbie's 13th Birthday last week - I can't believe I now have 2 teenagers in the house!

He got 2 of his favorite books...

An UnderArmour jacket...


A cell phone. I know, I know...

The week before, NaNe and PaPa came and we had a small celebration with them as well.

Happy 13th Robbie!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A relaxing football game

Mom and Dad came to our first playoff football game vs Karnes City last Friday night. I have to say - it was the most enjoyable football game I've attended this year. Livi was completely entertained by NaNe and PaPa. No climbing on my belly, no going up and down the stairs, no squealing when the raisins run out, etc.

Hmmmm...... what is that in Livi's mouth? Looks like she's enjoying whatever it is.

Ah, its a Snickers bar, courtesy of NaNe.

Blanco won 53-0 and I enjoyed most of the game. Now, how to convince Mom and Dad they need to come to all of Jeff's basketball games? Ha!
Blanco plays in the Regional playoff game vs. Rogers this Friday, Nov. 20th at The Palace in Round Rock, Tx. Kickoff is 7:30 pm.
Info on the stadium, parking, tickets can be found here -

Monday, November 16, 2009

Emma's Big Play Debut!

Here she is - our newest actress!
Emmalee had her debut in the high school's fall production of The Rivers and Ravines. She did a fantastic job! We are so proud of how well she did - teachers, students, and people from town can't stop talking about how impressed they were with Emma's performance.

Mom and Dad came up to see her on the second night - they loved the show as well!

Emma and I after opening night.

And here she is with Jesse T. - her play "husband" ;)
We are so proud of Emmalee - she has really started blooming the past few years. For the second straight 6 weeks in a row she has made the A/B Honor Roll - not an easy feat with Chemistry and Geometry on the schedule. She did well in volleyball, is about to start golf and wowed everyone with her acting abilities! Such a great daughter!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Livi and her best friend

Getting two 20 month old girls to pose together for a picture is nearly impossible... especially when there are cheerleaders, candy and old women cooing over them the whole time.

This is about as close as we got.

They go to daycare together and their brothers' are in the same class - so these two see a lot of eachother. What started off as a rivalry has now turned into a friendship.
So cute!

Friday, November 6, 2009

7th Grade Panthers - undefeated!!

Congrats to the 7th grade Blanco Panther football team! They had an undefeated season for 2009 - they finished off the Harper Longhorns last night 0-18.

This was Coach Mouser's last game - he'll be retiring at the end of this year... next fall while the boys are getting all sweaty practicing in 1st period, he'll be sitting on his backporch reading the paper and sipping coffee.

Here is The Coach and The Boy. Why can't The Coach smile?

Pick Six in action!

Robbie and Dylan - their first (of hopefully many more) undefeated season together.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sonogram pics for Baby4!

I have to start out by saying this baby moves more than any of my other 3! There is constant kicking, squirming and dancing going on in my tummy... and in this picture we could even see the baby's mouth moving! He/She was saying 'hi!' to Mommy!

Here is a really good profile of the face... again, I already think he/she looks like Daddy.

This was cute to watch - Baby4 is playing with his/her toes. He/she kept grabbing at the foot and wiggling around...

And one last pic of the face!

Even the U/S tech commented on how much the baby was moving - she had a hard time getting clear pics and had to re-do her measurments a few times because the baby would jump around so much.
But the news was great! Baby4 is perfectly healthy and growing right on schedule :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 09!!!

Livi was an elephant for her first year of Trick-or-Treating.

She was all ready! She would say "Tick Teet," although it was a very quiet mumble.

But she would say "Thank You" as we turned and walked off. Then she would wave goodbye. How sweet!

Here she is with her Daddy. She held our hands the whole time and walked to nearly every house. Only at the end did she get tired.

She wasn't too sure about this lady. She was trying to give her a spider ring. "I want candy!! Not some stupid ring!"

Say "Cheese!"
It was time to head home and Daddy volunteered to carry her back to the car.

And of course we have to throw a fit for the only picture I tried to make her pose for... yep, its time to go home for sure.

Friday, October 30, 2009

My Halloween costume

I don't look pregnant, I look bloated. Ugh.

So excuse the frumpiness, but if you look closely, you can see Baby4 making his/her Halloween debut.

Everyone asks if I painted the costume myself... ha! Um, no. I have no artistic ability whatsoever. Which is sad, because both of my parents are incredible artists. It skipped me for some reason.

So, no, I borrowed the sweatshirt from a much more artistic friend.

And just for reference - here is my Halloween costume from 2007. I left the ribbon off of this year's costume... since Baby4 is going to be a surprise. Emma wanted to add a green ribbon to baby skeleton's head, but I vetoed it. If Baby4 turns out a boy, he wouldn't have appreciated a ribbon in his hair regardless of the color.