Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sonogram pics for Baby4!

I have to start out by saying this baby moves more than any of my other 3! There is constant kicking, squirming and dancing going on in my tummy... and in this picture we could even see the baby's mouth moving! He/She was saying 'hi!' to Mommy!

Here is a really good profile of the face... again, I already think he/she looks like Daddy.

This was cute to watch - Baby4 is playing with his/her toes. He/she kept grabbing at the foot and wiggling around...

And one last pic of the face!

Even the U/S tech commented on how much the baby was moving - she had a hard time getting clear pics and had to re-do her measurments a few times because the baby would jump around so much.
But the news was great! Baby4 is perfectly healthy and growing right on schedule :)

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